The wearer is relieved of Inertia (tamas), laziness & lethargy. Nine face Rudraksha is said to be very effective in revitalizing people who are demoralized and feel let down in life. In other words the nine face Rudraksha makes the wearer dynamic, brave & courageous. A must wear for worshipers of supreme mother “Goddess Durga”.
Sins committed by a person get condoned by wearing this Rudraksha. It also makes a person fearless and stress-free. Wearing it is like getting one's conscience purified through fire. It also makes the wearer powerful and self-confident. It protects the wearer from untimely death. Persons having fear of any kind, including that of death, should wear nine mukhi Rudraksha.
It Channelizes hormonal functions of the body and this enhances mental alertness and sharpness, physical strength, mental peace, spiritual gain, concentration power, patience, control over anger and fear and communication skills. Wearing Nine Faced Rudraksha is highly beneficial for people suffering from Lung diseases, fever, eye pain, bowel pain, skin disease, body pain.
Mantras to be recited for this Rudraksha :
Om Hreem Hum Namah (Shiva Puran),
Om Hum Namah (Mantra Maharnava),
Om sum (Padma Puran),
Mahamritynjaya Mantra,
Om Nav Durgayai Namah,
Om Namah Shivaya.
Cost in USD : 60.00
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